Public projects by Matthias Hertel
This site contains the public projects made by Matthias Hertel. The projects are about the Arduino microprocessor platform, Internet of Things, on the Ajax technology and other web browser specific topics.
Arduino Libraries and Projects
A collection of articles for the Arduino platform with software libraries, schematics and complete projects.
HomeDing IoT Library for Arduino
The HomeDing library is a low code to build small IoT devices without the need for using cloud services. The devices are connected to the local WiFi only and are implemented by using the Arduino development environment.
Documentation on
Source code on
My Blog
My Blog is about my current activities in Arduino environment, other engineering topics and information like announcements.
Old and Archived Work
An O(ND) Difference Algorithm for C#
An C# implementation of the difference algorithm published in "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations" by Eugene Myers Algorithmica Vol. 1 No. 2, 1986, p 251.
Ajax Engine
The Ajax Engine project is a portable AJAX framework that is built on standard SOAP web services.
Open Source repository:
Download as a
OpenAjax hub
This is a second source implementation of the OpenAjax hub. Here you can find a almost complete version of an implementation of the OpenAjax hub specification and some more implementation related to the spec.
JavaScript SOAP client
A core part of the AJAX Engine is a client written in JavaScript for SOAP based web services.
Calling a server from JavaScript is a fundamental part of AJAX applications. Using standard web services with SOAP and WSDL is easy if proxy objects and methods are available in the browser and offer a RPC style . That's w
The article was also published on codeproject: A proxy generator to WebServices for JavaScript and AJAX