// controls/popup.js // Javascript Behaviour for the popup control // Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel, http://www.mathertel.de // This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx // ----- // 03.06.2005 created by Matthias Hertel // 21.12.2007 buttonbackpushed replaces by topContent image // 14.07.2010 using a thin event wrapper to expose a function for starting a popup by code. // 14.07.2010 added auto-close functionality. // 14.02.2016 shadow simplified to CSS3 shadow. var PopUpBehaviour = { // ----- Properties ----- ///<field name="_obj" type="Object">The current hovered object.</field> _obj: null, ///<field name="_timer" type="Object">A timer that will trigger the creation and deletion of the popUp Information.</field> _timer: null, ///<field name="_popobj" type="Object">The popup object.</field> _popobj: null, // the current hovered object ///<field name="_maxOpenTime" type="Object">The time for the auto close feature.</field> _maxOpenTime: null, // ----- Events ----- onmouseover: function (evt) { ///<summary>Open a popUp upon the hovered object.</summary> ///<param name="evt" type="Event">The event object.</param> evt = evt || window.event; var t = evt.target || evt.srcElement; PopUpBehaviour.open(t); }, // onmouseover onmouseout: function (evt) { ///<summary>Terminate the timer and remove the popUp information.</summary> ///<param name="evt" type="Event">The event object.</param> evt = evt || window.event; var t = evt.target || evt.srcElement; if ((t != null) && (t == PopUpBehaviour._obj)) { PopUpBehaviour.close(t); } // if }, // onmouseout open: function (obj, maxOpenTime) { ///<summary>Set a timer to show the popUp information for a object in a moment.</summary> ///<param name="maxOpenTime" type="Object">The time for the auto close feature.</param> if ((!jcl.isIE) && (obj != null) && (obj.attributes["poptext"] != null)) obj.poptext = obj.attributes["poptext"].value; if ((obj != null) && (obj.poptext != null) && (obj != PopUpBehaviour._obj)) { PopUpBehaviour._obj = obj; PopUpBehaviour._timer = window.setTimeout(PopUpBehaviour._show, 300); } // if PopUpBehaviour._maxOpenTime = maxOpenTime; }, // onmouseover close: function (obj) { ///<summary>Close the actual popUp window.</summary> ///<param name="obj" type="Object">The potential hovered object.</param> if (obj == null) obj == PopUpBehaviour._obj; if (PopUpBehaviour._timer != null) window.clearTimeout(PopUpBehaviour._timer); PopUpBehaviour._popobj.style.display = "none"; PopUpBehaviour._timer = null; PopUpBehaviour._obj = null; }, // onmouseover // --- private methods --- // now show the popUp information _show: function () { var obj = PopUpBehaviour._obj; if (obj != null) { pos = PopUpBehaviour._absolutePosition(obj); var o = PopUpBehaviour._create(obj.poptext, pos); PopUpBehaviour._popobj = o; } // if PopUpBehaviour._timer = null; if (PopUpBehaviour._maxOpenTime != null) PopUpBehaviour._timer = window.setTimeout(PopUpBehaviour.close, PopUpBehaviour._maxOpenTime); }, // _show // create or reuse the popUp element _create: function (text, pos) { var oPop = document.getElementById("VEPopUp"); var oPoint; if (oPop == null) { // create a popUp object for the first time oPop = document.createElement("div"); oPop.id = "VEPopUp"; oPop.style.position = "absolute"; oPop.style.width = "240px"; var htm = "<img src='/controls/images/point.gif' style='position:relative;display:block;top:1px;z-index:1'>"; htm += "<div class='VEBoxShadow' style='position:relative;border: solid #203050 1px; padding: 4px; background-color:#eaeef7;'></div></div>"; oPop.innerHTML = htm; document.body.appendChild(oPop); } // if // adjust tht position and choos the right point gif file oPoint = oPop.firstChild; // point gif file oPop.style.display = "block"; oPop.style.top = (pos.top + pos.height) + "px"; var leftPos = pos.left + pos.width / 2 - 40; if (leftPos < 8) { oPop.style.left = "8px"; oPoint.src = String(oPoint.src).replace(/pointleft.gif/i, "point.gif"); oPoint.style.marginLeft = "12px"; } else if (leftPos + 240 < document.documentElement.clientWidth) { oPop.style.left = leftPos + "px"; oPoint.src = String(oPoint.src).replace(/pointleft.gif/i, "point.gif"); oPoint.style.marginLeft = "40px"; } else { leftPos = pos.left + pos.width / 2 - 200; if (leftPos + 250 > document.documentElement.clientWidth) leftPos = document.documentElement.clientWidth - 250; oPop.style.left = leftPos + "px"; oPoint.src = String(oPoint.src).replace(/point.gif/i, "pointleft.gif"); oPoint.style.marginLeft = "180px"; } // if // add the text oPop.firstChild.nextSibling.innerHTML = text; return (oPop); }, // _create // get the absolute position of a html object _absolutePosition: function (obj) { var pos = null; if (obj != null) { pos = new Object(); pos.top = obj.offsetTop; pos.left = obj.offsetLeft; pos.width = obj.offsetWidth; pos.height = obj.offsetHeight; obj = obj.offsetParent; while (obj != null) { pos.top += obj.offsetTop; pos.left += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } // while } return (pos); } // _absolutePosition }; // PopUpBehaviour jcl.LoadBehaviour(document, PopUpBehaviour);
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