Source Code

for file /controls/TableData.js

// TableData.js
// Javascript Behaviour for the TableData Control, fetching multiple rows per call.
// Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
// ----- 
// 11.11.2005 created by Matthias Hertel
// 12.11.2005 FireFox compatibility and scrolling fixed
// 02.04.2004 using the term method to release bound html objects.
// 16.09.2006 context on event-methods is now set to the bound object.

var TableDataBehaviour = {

  // link back to the pager
  Pager: null,

  // private Properties
  _colCount: 0,
  _cols: [],
  _row: null,
  _scrollTimer: null,

  _rowsById: {},

  // Events

  onscroll: function (evt) {
    evt = evt || window.event;
    var t = || evt.srcElement;

    if (jcl.isIE) {
      var tab = t.firstChild;
      var st = tab.offsetParent.scrollTop;

      tab.tHead.rows[0] = st + "px";
    } // if
    while ((t != null) && (t._attachedBehaviour == null))
      t = t.parentNode;
    t.scrollstart(); // do not get the data immediately
  }, // onscroll

  // Methods

  init: function () {
    var tab = this.firstChild;
    var r = tab.tBodies[0].rows[0];
    this._colCount = r.cells.length;
    for (var n = 0; n < this._colCount; n++) {
      this._cols[n] = r.cells[n].innerHTML;
      r.cells[n].innerHTML = "";
    this._row = r.cloneNode(true);
    r = null;
  }, // init

  term: function () {
    this._row = null;
    for (r in this._rowsById)
      this._rowsById[r] = null;
    this._rowsById = null;
    this.Pager = null;

  // start a timer when scrolling stared
  scrollstart: function () {
    if (this._scrollTimer != null) window.clearTimeout(this._scrollTimer);
    this._scrollTimer = window.setTimeout(this.scrollend.bind(this), 100);

  // scroll-timer ended, now get all missing data
  scrollend: function () {
    this._scrollTimer = null;

  // clear the whole table
  Clear: function () {
    var tab = this.firstChild;
    tab.offsetParent.scrollTop = 0;
    tab.tHead.rows[0] = "0px";
  }, // Clear

  // add a new set to rows to the table
  AddRows: function (idList) {
    var tab = this.firstChild;
    var tb = tab.tBodies[0];

    // some try & test versions

    // 2300 msec
    //    for (var n = 0; n < idList.length; n++) {
    //      r = _row.cloneNode(true);
    //      tb.appendChild(r);
    //      r.setAttribute("rowid", idList[n]);
    //      r.firstChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode(idList[n]));
    //    } // for

    // 1750 msec
    //    for (var n = 0; n < idList.length; n++) {
    //      var r = tb.appendChild(document.createElement("TR"));
    //      r.setAttribute("rowid", idList[n]);
    //      r.appendChild(document.createElement("TH")).appendChild(document.createTextNode(idList[n]));
    //      for (var m = 1; m < this._colCount; m++)
    //        r.appendChild(document.createElement("TD"));
    //    } // for

    var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
    var l = idList.length;
    var cl = this._colCount;
    for (var n = 0; n < l; n++) {
      var r = document.createElement("TR");
      r.setAttribute("rowid", idList[n]);
      r.appendChild(document.createElement("td")).appendChild(document.createTextNode("\xA0")); //&nbsp;
      for (var m = 1; m < cl; m++)
    } // for

  }, // AddRow

  // start loading all visible rows with data.
  _startLoading: function () { // 2016
    var tab = this.firstChild;
    var r = tab.tBodies[0].rows;
    var st = this.scrollTop;
    var n = 0;
    while ((n < r.length) && (r[n].offsetTop - st < 0)) n++;

    while ((n < r.length) && (r[n].offsetTop - st < tab.offsetParent.offsetHeight)) {
      if (r[n].getAttribute("done") == null) {
        this._rowsById[r[n].getAttribute("rowid")] = r[n];
  }, // _startLoading

  // fill one row of the table with.
  // ! This is the ajax callback method that is not called through this behaviour.
  // reference all objects by using the row object
  FillRow: function (data) {
    var rowid = val = data.getElementsByTagName("id")[0].text;
    var row = this._rowsById[rowid];

    if (row == null) {
      alert("row error");
    } else if (data == null) {
      alert("data error");
    } else {
      var cols = this._cols;

      for (var n = 0; n < row.cells.length; n++) {
        val = data.getElementsByTagName(cols[n])[0]; // FF ???
        if ((val != null) && (val.text != null)) {
          var txt = val.text;
          if (row.cells[n].innerText != txt)
            row.cells[n].innerText = txt;
        } // if
      } // for
      row.setAttribute("done", true);
    } // if
  } // FillRow

}; // TableDataBehaviour

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