Source Code

for file /controls/UrlFrame.ascx

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="AJAXControls.BaseControl" %>
  // UrlFrame.ascx
  // UrlFrame Control.
  // This control implement an iframe element that connects to the page properties.
  // Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel,
  // This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
  // ----- 
  // 12.08.2005 created by Matthias Hertel
  // 27.09.2005 PageProperty attribute added
  // 19.11.2007 using the OpenAjax hub instead of PageProperties
<script runat="server">
  // define and pass parameters
  private string _width = null;
  private string _height = null;
  private string _eventname;

  public string height {
    get { return _height; }
    set { _height = value; }

  public string width {
    get { return _width; }
    set { _width = value; }

  public string eventname {
    get { return _eventname; }
    set { _eventname = value; }
  // the default url pattern for the iframe element
  public string urlpattern = String.Empty;

  protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) {
  } // OnPreRender

<iframe id="<%=this.ClientID %>" class="UrlFrame" eventname="<%=this.eventname %>"
  urlpattern="<%=this.urlpattern %>" scrolling="yes" urlpattern="<%=this.urlpattern %>"
  style="<%= ((width != null) && (width.Length > 0)) ? "width:"+width + ";": String.Empty %>
<%= ((height != null) && (height.Length > 0)) ? "height:"+height + ";" : String.Empty %>">
<%// setup then AJAX WebPart connections for the control %>
<script type="text/javascript">jcl.LoadBehaviour("<%=this.ClientID %>", jcl.UrlFrameBehaviour);</script>

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