Source Code

for file /controls/DataForm.js

// DataForm.js
// Javascript Behaviour for the DataForm Control
// Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
// ----- 
// 16.06.2007 created by Matthias Hertel by extracting methods from the old ajaxForms.js
// 09.08.2007 eventnamespace added: the event namespace that is used for publishing OpenAjax events.
// 15.08.2007 registering in OpenAjax added.
// 12.12.2007 adding OpenAjax events.
// 18.12.2007 Simplifications and documentation.
// 07.12.2008 supporting direct/unwrapped xml objects.

jcl.DataFormBehavior = {

  eventnamespace: "dataform",  /// <summary>Namespace of the events published by contained elements without a full qualified namespace.</summary>
  _record: null,               /// <summary>current record of the form.</summary>

  init: function () {
    /// <summary>Initializing the control.</summary>
    this._record = {};

    // register for events of the form elements
    if (this.eventnamespace) {
      OpenAjax.hub.subscribe(this.eventnamespace + ".*", this.handleEvent, this);
    } // if

  // --- OpenAjax event handler ---

  handleEvent: function (eventName, eventData) {
    /// <summary>Collecting the form data when values are changing.</summary>
    var en = jcl.LocalEventName(eventName);
    if ((en != "clear") && (en != "reset"))
      this._record[en] = eventData;
  }, // handleEvent

  ///<summary>Walk all html INPUT, TEXTAREA and SELECT elements contained by the passed object
  ///and return the current values.</summary>
  ///<returns>The data of inside the form as XML Document.</returns>
  read: function () {
    var n, aList, elem, val;
    var xData = this._getXMLDOM("<data></data>");
    var xNode;

    for (n in this._record) {
      xNode = xData.documentElement.appendChild(xData.createElement(n));
    } // for

    return (xData);
  }, // read

  ///<summary>This method transfers the values of the data into the corresponding INPUT, TEXTAREA and SELECT elements.
  ///All HTML elements of these types that have a name but no value will be cleared.</summary>
  ///<param name="data">The data for the form. This can be a XML string or an XML document.</param>
  write: function (data) {
    var n, aList, dataElements;
    var xData, xElem, val;

    if (data == null)
      throw new Error("ajaxForms.setData: Argument 'data' must be set.");

    if (typeof (data) == "string")
      xData = this._getXMLDOM(data);
      xData = data;

    OpenAjax.hub.publish(this.eventnamespace + ".clear", null);

    xElem = xData.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild;

    // unwrapped xml data can be processed to now.
    if (xElem.nodeName == "#text")
      xElem = xData.documentElement.firstChild;

    while (xElem) {
      OpenAjax.hub.publish(this.eventnamespace + "." + xElem.nodeName,
      (xElem.textContent || xElem.innerText || xElem.text || xElem.childNodes[0].nodeValue));
      xElem = xElem.nextSibling;

  }, // write

  ///<summary>This method clears the values of the html elements of type INPUT, TEXTAREA and SELECT that have a name.</summary>
  clearData: function () {
    var n, aList, dataElements;

    OpenAjax.hub.publish(this.eventnamespace + ".clear", null);
    this._record = {};

  }, // clearData

  ///<summary>This method clears the values of the html elements of type INPUT, TEXTAREA and SELECT that have a name.</summary>
  resetData: function () {
    OpenAjax.hub.publish(this.eventnamespace + ".reset", null);
  }, // resetData

  ///<summary>Parse an exception for an ArgumentException and set the error annotations</summary>
  ///<param name="ex">An exception object.</param>
  processException: function (ex) {
    var txt = ex.description;
    if ((ex.message == "soap:Server") && (txt != null) && (txt.indexOf("System.ArgumentException: ") > 0)) {

      txt = txt.substr(txt.indexOf("System.ArgumentException: ") + 26).split('\n');
      var param = txt[1].substr(txt[1].indexOf(':') + 2);

      var aList = document.getElementsByTagName("SPAN");
      for (var n = 0; n < aList.length; n++) {
        if ((aList[n].className == "AJAXFORMEXCEPTION") && (aList[n].getAttribute("name") == param)) {
          aList[n].style.display = "inline";
          aList[n].innerText = txt[0]; // IE
          aList[n].textContent = txt[0]; // FF
        } // if
      } // for
    } else {
    } // if
  }, // processException

  ///<summary>This method clears the error annotations of the html elements of type SPAN
  ///that have the className AJAXFORMEXCEPTION.</summary>
  clearErrors: function () {
    var n;
    var aList = document.getElementsByTagName("SPAN");
    for (n = 0; n < aList.length; n++) {
      if (aList[n].className == "AJAXFORMEXCEPTION") {
        aList[n].style.display = "none";
        aList[n].innerText = ""; // IE
        aList[n].textContent = ""; // FF
      } // if
    } // for
  }, // clearErrors

  ///<summary>Get a browser specific implementation of the XMLDOM object, containing a XML document.</summary>
  ///<param name="xmlText">the xml document as string.</param>
  _getXMLDOM: function (xmlText) {
    var obj = null;

    if (typeof (DOMParser) != "undefined") {
      // Gecko / Mozilla / Firefox
      var parser = new DOMParser();
      obj = parser.parseFromString(xmlText, "text/xml");

    } else {
      // IE
      try {
        obj = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
      } catch (e) { }

      if (obj == null) {
        try {
          obj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
        } catch (e) { }
      } // if

      if (obj != null) {
        obj.async = false;
        obj.validateOnParse = false;
      } // if
    } // if
    return (obj);
  } // _getXMLDOM
}; // DataFormBehavior

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