Matthias Hertel - Biography and Publications
Studied computer science at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) now KIT
Degree in computer science (Diplom-Informatiker)
Studies were focused on (early) AI, rule-based systems and in parallel studies in mechanical engineering.
1987 Realisierung eines Relationalen Datenbank Systems (ADImens), Firma ADI
1989 Anwendungsentwicklung, Firma TDV
1991 - 2005 - Head of Software Development ADI, AP
1991 - Implementation of a Production Control System, ADI
1993 - Foundation of the company AP
1998 P2: - The worlds first PPS (ERP for manufacturing) Systems on Windows with graphical user interfaces.
1999 P2Plus - Architecture and development of an ERP system based on Internet, XML technologies and WebServices.
2002 - Winner of the world-wide Awards ".NET Application of the Year", 2004 - Further awards for the software
2005 - 2009 - Head of Application Development and Technology at Deutsche Bank Bauspar AG, Frankfurt
2010 - now - Lead Solution and Enterprise Architect in der Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt
Additional Activities
Working as an individual member in the OpenAjax Alliance
Advice for partner companies and customers.
Creation of expert opinions.
Member of the Microsoft Quality Board for Developers.
Publications in the press and presentations at conferences.
Open Source Projects
Playing Double Bass in orchestra "Kammerorchester Bad Vilbel"