www.mathertel.deAJAX Engine Documentation AJAX Engine - Summary

AJAXEngine » a AJAX Engine using XML, SOAP, WSDL and JavaScript

Aspects of AJAX is a platform for developing responsive and interactive web applications by using and extending the browser platforms to a Rich Client System. (Documentation, Download and AJAX Engine Demo WebSite)

Features and criteria of this platform:

  • Cross Browser compatible JavaScript framework.
  • Standard SOAP protocol is used for the communication between the client and the server.
  • No need for special implementations in the WebServices.
  • Using standard WebServices protocols for asynchronous client-server communications: (SOAP, WSDL)
  • Automatic generation of JavaScript proxies for WebServices.
  • Multiple data types and XML are support as parameters and return values
  • Synchronous and asynchronous method invocations.
  • Fast Response.
  • Client and server side Response caching.
  • Client side AJAX Engine that makes asynchronous client side processing easy.
  • AJAX Actions, queuing actions, scheduling actions
  • Integration into the Microsoft ASP.NET framework.
  • Integration of the core engine into the JAVA platform is available.
  • AJAX Controls library

By using standard WebServices for the communication and by using client-side proxies for these services you reach a programming level that it is similar to other Rich Client application platforms. This is more than a thin wrapper over the XMLHttpRequest object that is now available in most modern browsers.

AJAX Actions provide a mechanism of binding asynchronous server calls and the client side asynchronous processing together using a declarative and "good readable" approach in pure JavaScript.

AJAX Controls are specialized ASP.NET Controls that bring AJAX functionalities into web pages and Web Forms on a component level.

Overview of the AJAX Engine components

The framework is built modular available and documented to make it possible to "pick out" the modules and functionalities you need in your applications.

A AJAX Engine Demo WebSite is available.

Aspects of AJAX is combined with an active blog to provide extra information on the ideas and concepts behind the implementation of this framework.

This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx